
Are we all on here just waiting for the curls?

Home Forums Miscellany Community Are we all on here just waiting for the curls?

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    Just wondering because I should be asleep but here i sit waiting, I wonder what time they will appear?



      That’s right. They were supposed to come out on Monday, weren’t they? I totally forgot that. πŸ˜›


        Yep. Usually everything comes out later. I know its usually about 9pm my time. I dont know though, which is why I am here now πŸ˜†


        LOL 9 am here too, so 8 at the factory right?


          If it’s around 2100 hours when they come out I’ll get one. Hear that, Wolfen? I won’t bother you with this one!


            I just know its been later every other time. Its not before 7 or 8pm my time. Im not making promises, but they are 9hrs behind me, so its late here when they put stuff up.


              The last curls came out about 10 am-ish Pacific Time. I assume they will be about the same this time around. I hope griffins are coming out too!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                I’m not getting a curl this time, but Melody enticed me by saying possible other stuff might be up today, so now I’m interested and will be checking ebay way to often πŸ™ .


                  Ooh, Yeah! Griffins would be nice! I want griffins, PYOs, curleds, and… thats enough for me for tonight. Unless I forgot something really cool, like BIN Secret Keepers.


                  Maybe the PYO Keeper Dragons and the EmPea curls today, in a couple weeks the griffins. I wan a griffin family in white with blue eyes.


                    The griffins might be out tonight too?! Oh bother. And I want to get a BEP OW on this month’s CC limit. All these goodies…


                    No No I dont have any idea if the griffins are coming out this month too, just speculating, and hopeing that they dont do them all at once, while I cna do it I dont like to do it.


                      Ditto that, ruff. They can take their time with the griffins. πŸ™‚


                        Well I know the SK’s won’t be out yet if they were just dry the other day….

                        gotta have time to paint them…and it took what about 2-3 weeks to paint the curls…

                        plenty of time to get my school money and nab one if they’re BIN


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