
Sunbeam gryphon all done :D

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Sunbeam gryphon all done :D

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    Excuse me making a new post but i thought this update may get lost in between the ninja cats and insect porn and giant squirrels of my last thread πŸ˜‰

    So my darling little sunbeam gryphon is all done and glossy-coated and felted on the bottom (which almost gone thrown out by someone, loooong story LOL)

    I took way too many photos of her in my attempt to try to capture how the colours change depending on the light, especially since there are about 10 different kinds of interference paint mixed with various gold paints carefully layered overtop the original colouration LOL

    Here is how she looks when i used the flash on my camera:


    I also decided it would be fitting to put her in some direct sunlight and I liked the results ^_^


    And finally, I tried to capture some of the details i put in that were pretty subtle and the hardest to capture.

    Here is a closeup of her beak where i tried to capture the green interference highlights by her eyes:


    I also added some green interference to the very tips of her wings, while trying to get a red (not pink) interference on the top of the wing:


    And this is how much the interference can glow under strong light like sunlight ^_^


    I really had a fun time painting this gryphon, i took way too long blending and reblending and trying to get a nice transition between the colours and just gilding her up all to heck because i’m like that *g* The shinier and sparklier something is, the better! XD



    That looks incredible!!! Great work! And awesome colors… they almost make me forget I just got rear-ended on the way home from the store πŸ˜›

    Beautiful job!!!


    Quill wrote:

    That looks incredible!!! Great work! And awesome colors… they almost make me forget I just got rear-ended on the way home from the store πŸ˜›

    Beautiful job!!!

    Holy jumping starfish, i hope you are ok!! *hugs* I’m glad i could distract you from that! LOL

    Thanks so much btw, i’m really pleased with my first try ^_^ Now to find an excuse to buy another and take another week or so (collectively) to paint it LOL


    I am more than okay now πŸ™‚ I may need to commission you to paint a nice, bright, happy gryphon for me πŸ˜€ I’m in a bad mood a lot of the time xD

    GREAT work, again. I didn’t realize this was your first go at it! I applaud you!


    Quill wrote:

    I am more than okay now πŸ™‚ I may need to commission you to paint a nice, bright, happy gryphon for me πŸ˜€ I’m in a bad mood a lot of the time xD

    GREAT work, again. I didn’t realize this was your first go at it! I applaud you!

    Awwww i’d love to do that, just fair warning that i am more of a “slow and steady wins the race” type painter LOL I broke up the painting of this gryphon into probably ten sessions to give the paint a chance to dry so i could accurately see how it looked ^_^ Acrylic can dry drastically darker than you think it will, especially when you add gel medium to make it transparent heh heh

    Thank you again! ^___^ I’m an acrylic painter so i’m very familiar with using acrylic paint, just haven’t painted a model anything for years and years. The quality of this sculpture definitely made it worth the pain in my butt that it was to paint! LOL Getting into some places was pretty tricky, nothing like a nice flat canvas! LOL




        It is totally nifty and awesome!

        (I really have decided I don’t have enough paitence. I do okay with painting, but there’s always some point where I go “eh, screw it!” and just finish that bit off any old way.)


        skigod377 wrote:


        Thanks! ^_^


        SPark wrote:

        It is totally nifty and awesome!

        (I really have decided I don’t have enough paitence. I do okay with painting, but there’s always some point where I go “eh, screw it!” and just finish that bit off any old way.)

        Thank you ^_^

        LOL there’s always a few moments like that where i was tempted to go “meh good enough” or where i thought i’d screwed it all up LOL I think spending the last two years doing independent work as part of my art degree helped me train myself to just be patient and see it through, since i’ve spent weeks doing really tedious stuff in order to get a good end result LOL (Like the time i spent eight hours straight printing 40 plates on a single 10′ x 4′ piece of cloth LOL)


          Wow, it IS glowing! 😯

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          Aw, it can’t be a camoflauge griffin anymore. It is nice tho. πŸ˜€


            Pretty and nicely done πŸ™‚


              That griff really fits the one on your website. I love it!



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