

  1. Falcolf

    Hahaha, oh my gosh, I needed this laugh, thank you Melody! Another brilliant page! 😀

  2. etruscan

    Very clever! Two quibbles … did you mean to leave out the i in veligents (panel 3)? Also, panel 5, it should be “certain” (not “certian).

  3. dranxis

    A much needed laugh for me as well!

  4. Melody

    Yay! Click “refresh”

  5. Starhorse

    Best. Page. Ever. That was the LAST thing I was expecting.

  6. Bodine

    heeheehee I got a hearty belly laugh out of this.hahahaha Thank you

  7. Adaneth

    Awesome–I love it!! 🙂

  8. CHeMnICORn

    Heeheee! I knew it! Poads talk through their incredibly cute little butts!

  9. etruscan

    Does the “Solemn and Holy Brotherhood” remark mean that all veligents are male? If so, is there any particular reason?

  10. Melody

    No, there are female brothers too.

  11. Lyrak

    Bros are bros, sisses are bros, it’s very confusing at times. 😉

  12. lori rariden

    That sounds like Lark! Kade doesn’t seem so strange now. Poads are so smart as well as cute. I wonder if Serence will remember any of this, ha ha.

  13. stasher-dragon

    Laughed so much I annoyed my husband!

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