

  1. dragonmedley

    “Sword sheaths, dogs and pieces of cake are not officially accepted as combat weapons”… I need to remember that during my next fencing bout!

  2. Falcolf

    Hahahaha! This page is so hilarious, well done! 😀 Snoot is so cute!

  3. etruscan

    “You are on the ground, and he isn’t.” It is really hard to argue with that! 🙂

  4. Maplecarver

    I love how that hat changes expressions… And pretty impressed that Serence can pull off looking dignified while sitting in cake!

  5. Leigha

    Weapons in panel 2 is spelled wrong.

  6. Melody

    OMG I must of proof read this page a zillion times!!
    Funny that nobody else caught it!! Ha ha ha!!

  7. etruscan

    The perils of knowing what something is supposed to say! Yay for Leigha!

    Speaking of knowing what things are supposed to say … on page 36, did you intend to have “Whys everyboBy wanting the king to get married” instead of “everybody”? And it probably should be “Why’s” with an apostrophe.
    Sorry – a little retroactive editing while rereading. 🙂

  8. Melody

    Oy vey.
    I haven’t had time to fix these things yet. I’ll get to it.

  9. Lyrak

    Oooh fellow fencer! Olympic or Duello? 🙂

  10. Lyrak

    LOL this reminds me of some of the side stuff my other half taught me outside of our official fencing meetings, when trying to explain to me the difference between “playing” and real defense. “That’s nice you have rules. They don’t.” Important thing to learn.

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