Hello everybody!! I’m the lucky winner of the previous PIF Raffle. So I’m hosting the PIF raffle for March!
The prize will be a colorful Rock Dragon named “Crystalis” painted by myself (Rachel Sokolowski) the PYO also contains 4 mounted lab grown crystals (1 large blue, and 3 smaller green).
The winner of this PIF raffle has to host for April!
The Rules: PlEASE READ!!
The host for the month decides what they wish to gift – it must be Windstone-related. The price range is entirely up to the host, so keep this in mind when entering the raffles.
The winner of the month then pays it forward by hosting the PIF Raffle the following month. The raffle is posted by the 7th of the month, and entries are accepted until the end of the month. The winner’s name is randomly drawn and announced here on the 30th/31st. The winner is also notified by private message, and their prize is shipped out by the host as soon as possible.
There is no limit on how many months you can enter, even if you have previously won. This is not related to Melody’s raffle, so it does not affect your ability to enter that one.
We want to keep the PIF Raffle going. Thank you for playing, and thank you for your generosity. Let’s continue the FUN!