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I mentioned on the FB post that racoon markings might be interesting…but it’s hard to keep up with FB posts sometimes. 😀
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! Thanks everyone! You guys totally make me squee (which despite how the word sounds…is not gross, I promise. lol) with your comments. And yeah, that little guy was a brat! 😉 He kept trying to escape when I was holding him to paint. Almost gave me a heart attack at one point!
And now that I’m done with the Foo family, I can move on to some other sculpts. But…I’m stuck. What should I do next? I have two flap cats (one with medium blue eyes, one with metallic tan eyes), a griffin kitty (I can’t remember the eye color, either green or a purple), a male dragon (he’s a repaint for myself so I can’t post pics here when I’m done), two unicorns (one light yellow eyes, one dark bright blue eyes) and one kitsune. I have a paint scheme roughly planned for each one and the two unicorns and kitsune will be for sale when they’re done.
Blue eyed flap cat: Metallic blue, gold and brown (based off a dA’s member’s (Majime) MLP original character color design, I asked permission to use the color scheme and she graciously granted it) NOT FOR SALE WHEN DONE
Metallic Tan eyed flap cat: Cream, light brown, metallic green (considering spotted markings, final scheme not definite) Not for sale when done, I wanted a metallic tan eyed sculpt in my collection
Griffin Kitty: Browns, metallic purple, metallic green (final scheme not definite) Not for sale when done, ’cause I don’t have a griffin kitty in my collection yet! 😀
Male Dragon: Gold, bronze, metallic purple or green, bengal markings and space scene on chest & belly (when finished I will post pictures to my dA account only) NOT FOR SALE! I’ve desperately wanted a male dragon, but haven’t been a fan of most of the color schemes I’ve seen…so this guy is solely for my collection.
Light Yellow eyed unicorn: Hot metallic pink, metallic purple and non-metallic black, silver horn & hooves
Dark (Bright) Blue eyed unicorn: Using Alice from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ for inspiration, will have tribal-esque markings in the same vein as my ‘Forests of the Night’ Foos but not in the same colors. Gold horn & hooves
Kitsune: Dia de los Muertos inspired (a bit late, but I was too busy during the holiday)
So, which one do you guys think I should do next? Opinions are most welcome at this point because I’m stumped. I like all of them…but can’t figure out which one to start with.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! B-day! Hope it treats you well!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! 10, 2014 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Art! ORIGINAL large pencil work, cast hand painted sculpture, painting #921628I just wanted to say that the work is beautiful. Alas, my budget is dead.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! B-day!!!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! wow…that’s some serious news since last I checked this part of the forum. My sympathies! I hope everyone recovers quickly and nothing even more serious comes up.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble!‘Forests of the Night’ Foo Dog Family
This family was painted for a commission from LindaS. I was delighted and honored to get a chance to paint a whole matching family of Foos! They were an interesting and enjoyable challenge. And I was happy to finally get the chance to paint a Foop! They are SO much cuter in person! The store picture just doesn’t do them justice.
Now some background! Because each individual tiger has a different stripe pattern, I thought I’d do different patterns on each member of the family. The Father and Baby have little touches of metallic blue in addition to their gold and green markings (because males just need to be flashy in nature). And I used matte & gloss (for accents) sealer. Their eyes are dark green and crystals are olivine.
I still have my original ‘Forests of the Night’ Mother Foo (and I’ll be keeping her all to myself), but I think I’ll consider her as Nana Foo now that there is a whole young family out there. 😉 She’s a young grandma.
If anyone is interested, they can see a bigger version of the picture (and thus more detail) at my DeviantArt account. The addy is in the lower left corner of the picture.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! 3, 2014 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Baby Poad Live Stream planned for today 10/30/14 at 4:30 p.m. PST #921326I was really looking forward to these baby poads…but now I’m going to have to pass. T_T My health insurance is about to go up in it’s monthly cost and now I’m going to be making less at my job than I did two years ago. Plus I have a new car payment to consider. -wallows- Dang it! It was hard enough for me to manage snagging production pieces without this malarkey to add in! Stupid no cost of living pay increases!
-sighs- More baby poads for everyone else I guess. Enjoy guys!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! usually plan something in my head after I’m inspired by something. In general, I recommend looking for something that grabs you (colors, animals, scenery, concept, story, etc) and then hashing it out on a line drawing or picture of the sculpt you want to work on.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! griffon! Looking forward to seeing him finished.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! to the forum! We’re glad to have you. I hope you enjoy being here and have fun with your PYOs!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! have my utmost sympathies. I know it hurts so much, but try to remember the happy times you had with him.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! B-day!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! interesting…as long as Michael Bay has nothing to do with it. -coughs-
As for Robert Downey Jr., I could totally see him playing Xanatos. He was good at playing a self possessed guy in Iron Man, and that certainly works for Xanatos. Just add in a dash of sneaky/sly and he’ll do just fine.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! 1, 2014 at 8:23 pm in reply to: Rescue Kitty Cookie With New Kitten and Pebble Pictures! **Updated** #921237So cute! Thanks for the pictures!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! -