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  • in reply to: Whoa…Hold the phone… #588425

    I’ll be watching for the next Poad emigration too. I’m so glad that they’re in the works!

    Girl thing . . . well, aren’t the Poads (currently) all female? 😛

    in reply to: what is up with this dragon? #588588

    I wrote this seller about the male dragon that he has up for sale. Note that this is the only auction of his with free shipping: the others have quotes for shipping. I noticed that the seller modified the Mother’s auction from an opening bid of $19.99 with shipping of $29.99 to what you see now–interesting. I think they’re trying to work out what the market will bear for these particular pieces, and aren’t quite sure what shipping will run.

    The seller was willing to double-box and pad, but seemed rather defensive about the shipping quote. (Well, I’m not being entirely fair–I was feeling twitchy about the shipping quote, and I pressed him a bit on it, so of course the poor guy was defensive! 🙄 )

    I recently got another Peacock Male that’s in better shape than the one this seller has, and am trying to decide whether I’ll bid on his male or not. It’s like Frozen said: there are so many Peacock Family dragons out there. They may be retired, but they aren’t nearly as hard to find as White or Emerald dragons. So they just don’t command the same kind of prices as other retired pieces. (And if you’re a dork like me, you’ll still pay too much for a Peacock Male that turns out to have fleabites. I am a slow maze learner. 😳 Let’s just say that if I got this seller’s Male at opening bid and paid the $30 shipping, it’d be a much better deal than what I paid.)

    in reply to: New kitty for me too #588127

    Hmm . . . “kage” (pronounced kah-gay) is Japanese for shadow. If you feel like using a disguised cliche. 😛

    in reply to: Cops…With attitude! #588043

    It looks as if the side of the car says Kern County. I used to live in Kern County. And Photoshop or not, I could believe it of that sheriff’s department! 😛

    in reply to: 🙁 #587203

    Oh, ouch. Darn it, I am really sorry to see you down, PurpleCat. 🙁 I suppose it’s a very backhanded compliment that your painting style is considered good enough to cause confusion with Windstone originals. You are extremely gifted, and I’m glad to hear that you’re thinking about keeping on with the PYOs. You’ve seemed to really enjoy creating these lovely paintjobs, and I hate to think that you might lose that.

    Having no experience with the airbrush, I could not say if this is a practical suggestion or not, but . . . would it help to do your base colors with the airbrush, and then use an ordinary brush to apply detailing on top? Adding some shadings and tipping of additional color would camouflage the sweeps of airbrush color and make it look less like a production piece. It’s only a suggestion, though; I don’t know if the thought of altering your style is upsetting to you. It’s a rather personal thing.

    Hang in there!

    in reply to: FIRE!!!!! #585302

    I know spraying cold water on a burning shed is dangerous if there are chemicals inside, etc. etc. . . . but I’d much rather have you around in a crisis than your neighbor, purpledoggy! While it’s very important to not get hurt, still, there’s something just plain wrong about standing around and letting a fire spread. You’ve got a lot of courage, fighting that fire with just the garden hose. Bravi! (And I am SO glad that the shed did not explode. Scary, scary stuff, fire.)

    Yeesh, Pam, I don’t like the sound of that bugger one bit. I wonder if he’s a drug dealer or running a meth lab or something. (My SoCal mentality kicking up again–sorry.) If he’s up to something illegal, then that might explain why he’s so quick to grab his bloody gun. This goes without saying, but . . . he’s dangerous, and I don’t think he’s playing with a full deck. Be very careful. 😯 There’s a bad vibe here.

    Lupin brought up a good point, though, and it might give you some leverage: The developer does not want a trigger-happy whack job in his nice development. Who would buy a house within half a mile of this loon? I’m sure you’ve already mentioned the gunshots to the developer, but it would be a good idea to start documenting every interaction (or lack of same) that you have with Mister Cuckoo. The developer may have more leverage on the legal side of things if it comes down to getting this fellow to behave himself. And if you can give the developer a signed statement with dates, times, incidents, etc. then it will be very useful to him in any action he might take. It’s also useful to you, if you have to take some kind of action, i.e. lodging a formal report with the police. Just a thought.

    in reply to: Tan griffins? #583836

    I absolutely love the griffin family (the original griffin in tan has been one of my favorite pieces for a long time) so any color that comes out is going to be pretty hard to pass up. But I do look forward to being able to get my old tan male a missus and kids! 😀 The female griffin has the most wonderful expressive cant to her ear-tufts: she looks like she’s just been annoyed by something, but is determined to “smile for the camera”! 😆 And of course the chicks are positively adorable. Hmmm–tan chicks with spotted fannies? Like lion-cub spots? Cool idea!

    in reply to: You Know You are Addicted to Windstones When……. #585224

    Romeodanny wrote:

    Oh please don’t talk about moving. I think I’d have to start about two months ahead of moving, pack them up, put them in storage then move each and every one alone so that nothing gets broken. (That and I don’t have a car so that would be however many bus trips.) I have nightmares about moving. It took me all day to move in here and if I move out I think it’ll take a few days to a week.

    Just don’t do what we did, which was to move stuff into the new house, and then leave it unoccupied for a month. Needless to say, we had a break-in. (It was such a dumb thing to do and I knew it! Gah! 🙁 ) Fortunately the stuff we’d moved up wasn’t very tempting–no Windstones 😛 –and the thieves got ticked and left before they’d done too much damage.

    I can say nice things about the movers. They were very careful in packing and even the Windstones that don’t have their original boxes traveled safely. It’s just that moving gets one all bent out of shape and seeing disasters behind every tree . . . I hope it’s a good long while before you have to move, Romeodanny! (And sorry to bring up the M-word again! 😳 )

    in reply to: Brown emperors! #584861

    Dragon Master wrote:

    they look too close to regular brown to me but I have only seen them in a picture

    Hmm, I don’t know, I like him. You’re right in that he could be mistaken for an Old Brown if the observer didn’t note the absence of orange. Without good photos and labelling, there’d be confusion. But the color pattern overall is really nice, and I like the way the turquoise bits look against these browns. It’d be nice to find a way for it to make it into production. 🙂

    in reply to: Tell us about Paods please!!! #581425

    I particularly like #4 and really hope that we get to see that one released sometime. But that said, I’ll probably want any color that comes out! 😛 They’re just so cute!

    in reply to: You Know You are Addicted to Windstones When……. #585207

    You know you are addicted when you are moving house and tossing all kinds of things into the Goodwill pile . . . but absolutely insist that every single Windstone will go to the new house, no exceptions. When you spend more time and trouble packing your Windstones–in boxes that could withstand a stampede–than you do in packing the tools of your trade. When you just can’t stand to let the moving van carry ALL of your Windstones, and insist on keeping back your two Old Warriors to transport yourself, in a car already crammed to the roof with other stuff. When, right before leaving town, you make one last trip to the single shop that carries Windstones, to buy one last Windstone that you already had one of, just because it was retired and you had a gift certificate for twenty bucks.

    I’m either addicted or barking insane. Don’t know which. 😛

    in reply to: Revenge of the Buffalo #584402

    Some of the lions looked like young males, although I couldn’t be sure. If they’re young, they’re inexperienced. But they must have been pretty confident–or hungry–to go after a Cape buffalo calf with so many adults around. Those guys are tough . . . as these lions discovered.

    I don’t know about the calf. Although it didn’t seem to have been hamstrung, it sure got chewed on, and cat saliva is nasty stuff. Crocodile is probably just as bad. If the calf didn’t go septic in the next few days, it’d be all right, but it’s anyone’s guess how that went.

    in reply to: How old are there guys? #584357

    I believe folks have said that the ones without the felt pads are older than the ones with pads, but I don’t know where exactly they fall in the production timeline. They should still have the Windstone stamp on the bottom. Heh–none of them have crazy slightly glittery eyes under a strong light, do they?

    in reply to: Earth Dragon….pics #583940

    googoogoogoo . . . OH boy. He’s gorgeous! 😯 😀 I wonder how this paint job would look on a PYO . . . I may have to find out someday, since suitably damaged dragons are kind of hard to find. (Which is a good thing, it really is: it means that most Windstones are given very good care. I have to keep telling myself that. 🙄 ) Would this paint pattern be too tricky on a little bitty PYO, though?

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