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She’s fabulous! 🙂 And I love the last two photos of her next to the PYO dragon. They look like a sequence: first photo, “La la la . . .” second photo, “Oh s##t that’s a dragon!”
I like how you juxtaposed the patches of color, and the color choice itself. Neat effect! She looks a little like she’s wearing harlequin. 🙂
It seems like having a larger PYO to paint would allow more noodling around with details, so I’d love to see at least one larger PYO. The pictures I’ve seen of the “Keeper” dragon PYO look like a good size. (And a good candidate! :))
Oh good gad, those are ugly. 😯 +.+ Yuck! I wonder which is worse: a fairly attractive knock-off (never seen one yet) or yet another hideous example of bad casting. Good grief, they’d be better off trying to sell a first-grader’s Play-Doh creation. At least that would be original art. 🙄
I think I like the red gold better, but this is still a spectacular dragon. It’ll be fun to watch the bidding take off! 🙂
Granted that the dichroic eyes don’t work well in the smaller eye sizes, but might they work as pupilless Spectral eyes? Not to disregard the Spectral eyes as they are–they’re great–but I do wonder how these would look . . . ? After all, with no pupil to mess things up, maybe the dichroic layer would look really neat. Just a thought.
Yeek, purpledoggy, your mom is scary. I can’t imagine what logical reason she could have for wanting bedroom details (I mean, come on! How on earth is that anyone else’s business but yours and your husband’s?). But maybe that’s it: it is an illogical thing to ask of you, and it may mean that none of the bad things she’s said and done to you have any logical or even rational reasoning behind them. In other words, lamortefille is right: your mother has the problem, NOT YOU. I am very sorry for your mother, but I think I would cheerfully sit her down for some counseling . . . and not let her out of the room until she was willing to come to grips with why she’s been so awful.
You’ve indicated that even knowing ahead of time that your mom will say something hurtful, it still hurts you very much to hear her actually say it. Please, don’t think for a minute that this means she’s right, or that there’s anything wrong with you. I think that response is ingrained in everyone–I mean, what could possibly be scarier for a kid than to be rejected by their mom? But by the same token, a mom should not reject her child. Seriously, the instincts should block that kind of action: it’s a negative survival trait for the mother’s genetics. It is completely bizarre for a mother to be persistently hurtful to her child. Physical harm, emotional harm, it makes no difference. A mother should never attack her child.
Again, what I’m saying is that from everything I’m hearing, the problem is in your mother, and most certainly not you. If anything, you are a very strong person to have made a good marriage and life for yourself despite such a negative influence. You really are stronger than she. I wonder if perhaps she recognizes this–of course she wouldn’t like it, but that’s not the point. The point is that you are the stronger, and you’ve made it this far and made a good life for yourself. You are a good person, and it’s OK to have joy in your life. Don’t let her cast too much of a shadow on your happiness.
What a great album! (Saw some familiar faces in there, too. 😉 ) I liked the freckled gold-and-purple PYO–neat idea, there–but the deep blue, red, and purple one really took my breath away. The bright blue freckles on those purple and red wings were fabulous! You really have a knack for color. Thanks for posting these photos!
It’s possible that your mom is feeling completely overwhelmed by everything and she just shut down on you. Not that that makes her reaction OK, but it might explain it. I would sure hope that when she’s had a little time to process things she’ll realize how glad she is for you. This may be wishful thinking on my part, I admit. 🙄 But you’ve got everyone’s support in this, no matter what your mom might think! 🙂
I really appreciate the input. You’re right about it being better to fiddle around with the Apoxie a bit on its own before plopping it onto the Windstone. (There’s one potential disaster, averted. ;)) I hadn’t realized that the clay existed until recently, so it’s serendipity that other people have been using it and know how it differs from the sculpt. It sounds like it’ll all be fun to work with once I learn the ropes. 🙂
I’d like to second the request for the Sushi Cats print. I’d love to get one, and there’s a friend of mine who doesn’t know it exists but would go bananas for it if she did! I’d love to suprise her with it for her birthday sometime. 😉
I’ll have to look for that too. A Windstone phoenix . . . that could be spectacular. And it could be tremendous fun as a PYO: I can think of some color schemes I’d love to try. But either way, what a great idea! 😀
Greater Basilisk wrote:They went really fast.
I’m imagining Poads wearing rocket packs . . . . 😛
Thanks, Kyrin and Pam! I’m glad to know about how sticky this stuff will be ahead of time, so I can have a big bucket of water nearby and avoid getting sticky all over the door handle. 😛 So the Apoxie Clay is a stiffer compound than the Sculpt. Hmm. I was imagining that the Sculpt would be sort of like clay itself, able to hold its shape without sagging, but maybe that’s not the case? 😕
One of the trickier projects will be restoring the brow ridges on a dragon that has completely lost them (she looks awful, great big bulging eyes like a cheap Halloween mask). From what I’m hearing, the Sculpt would need to sit for a bit before I tried to make it form that brow arch.
Does the Apoxie Clay stick to the gypsum as well as the Sculpt does?
Well, the counter says eight, but I don’t know if it keeps track of orders placed on the weekend. I put my order in this evening, so I sure hope there was at least one left. Good grief, they’re cute! 😀
A quick question for you experienced repair people: When working with Apoxie Sculpt, is it a good idea to wear gloves? The directions on the tub seem to indicate that the stuff can be a little nasty to your skin. Also, it claims to clean up with water, but does water work well or is it more a matter of “everything scrubs off with enough water”? 😉
I’m gearing up for my first repair-and-restoration efforts. If the repairs go well, I may start asking about paint touch-up methods. 🙂 I think I’ve read that one can request little bottles of touch-up paint directly from Windstone; does anyone know who to direct that request to? I have a couple of Emeralds that could really use it!
Edwina is wonderful. 😀 What a personality! If I ever get that small farm I daydream about, I may have to keep an eye out for an emu chick. (I understand that they can kick like a mule if they aren’t friendly, so upbringing is everything! :P)