Forum Replies Created
April 19, 2013 at 1:27 am in reply to: 4/9/2013 Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Batch Photo Thread #896195April 19, 2013 at 1:26 am in reply to: 12/26/12 Batch of Grab Bag Young Poads picture thread! #891234
I’m very sorry to hear that things didn’t work out as planned, Grayfire. 🙁 But Dragonmedley is right: paint it out! I write or crochet my stress and it helps a lot; you’re such a gifted painter, I bet some good stuff would come out of it. It’d be a way to make lemonade out of this lemon of a situation.
The most important thing is, though, that you’re safe. I am really glad for that. Hug!
Could you add some subfolders to my PYO Gallery account as well? I would love to have subfolders for:
OtherThank you very much! 🙂
I’m really glad that you had such a positive visit with your sons. It was good for you, and it was good for them too; what you’re all going through right now is really rough, and the best help for that is for each of you to support the rest, and just “be there” for each other. This visit was a great example of that kind of support. 🙂
I have a set of wax carving tools (made out of metal) that I picked up at a crafts store. They work well on Apoxie Sculpt, for putting the detailing back in repairs, and I’d think they would work on gypsum as well. The biggest challenge is not gouging out more than you intended to!
Safe travels, and have a wonderful time! 🙂
April 15, 2013 at 4:45 am in reply to: 4/9/2013 Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Batch Photo Thread #896018Here is my little uni! He’s pretty cute, but he’ll be up for trade. I think I want an appy since I grew up in Nez Perce country.
Hannah, you can use any of these for the directory.
Aww! He’s a Medicine Hat! So cute! 🙂
Well Done! 🙂 That’s the way: claim the relationships that are good for you, and stay in touch with the people who matter. I am really proud of you for stepping into what looked at first like a lion’s den, and your courage paid off big time. Ethan will feel better knowing that you’ve accepted his olive branch, and your in-laws know that you value greatly your relationship with them. Bravi!
Whee! I got one too! Talk about a surprise appearance; I’d wandered off to the Blog entry and nearly dropped my teeth when I realized that the unis weren’t just posting their class photo, but had trotted off to the Store as well. These are very pretty and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s photos. 🙂
It’s sad that the boys are caught in the middle, and just plain pitiful that Rod is trying to use them as a means to cause you pain. I have nothing but disdain for that man; what a low thing to do. Right now Ethan is parroting what he has heard, but give him time. Eventually he’s going to stop and think about what he is being told, and comparing it to what he knows from growing up, and he’s going to realize that he is being used. It’s a hard thing, being a teen; common sense takes a back seat sometimes and what comes flying out of the mouth is spoken by the emotions of the moment. I daresay he’s horrified by what he said, and scared that you’ll reject him, and as a result will for a while cleave even more strongly to the “party line” that he’s being fed by his father. Don’t take it personally. Let Ethan have his space for now–he needs time to think. When he has time to think, he’ll start asking himself questions, and probably won’t like the answers he gets. Then he’ll spend some time fretting over whether his harsh words burned a bridge. It all takes time; hang in there.
It may be tempting to try to communicate even more with him, but right now isn’t the best time. Give the situation some breathing room. I’m not saying don’t communicate with him at all, but do it according to a schedule and a language that seems comfortable for him. Even though right now he is pushing away, he needs to know that you are still there and that you still love him. A time will come when he begins to think for himself, and realizes what has happened.
And at the same time, your sons need to see that you are strong. Being stuck only supports the false image of you that their father wants them to see. Pick up the pieces; it may take a while, but keep moving forward. Remember that to your sons, at the deepest level, you are a powerful and vivid figure. By rebuilding your life even in the face of this challenge, you are reaffirming that image that they hold of you. You are no quitter; never that. We all have dark times and bleak thoughts; there’s no shame in that. It’s when we sit up and decide that we’re nevertheless going to live–and more, we are going to be happy again someday–that we show our mettle. I believe in you, Beckie, and I believe that you will be happy again.
TDM, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I wish I could reach right through this computer screen and give you a great big hug. But that would violate several laws of physics, so I’m gonna have to try to do it with words instead.
You are a great mother who has loved and supported her children right from the start. They may be hitting the awkward stage of teenhood now, but the bond between you and them remains strong. There is absolutely nothing Rod can do to change that.
Your boys are seeing their entire world turned upside down, just like you, but unlike you they are very young and inexperienced. They’re probably scared to bits and withdrawing. You’ve worked so hard to be strong for both yourself and them for many months, and that is exhausting.
It’s OK to be tired. It’s OK to feel scared. But then, please take the very good advice of Amy Jane. Rally yourself. You have strength and courage beyond that of many people; your battle for your sons is ample proof of that. Remember that you are one darned fine person, and nobody–particularly not foolish men like Rod–has any right to take that self-image from you. I urge you to talk to people who will support you, hear you, provide a sounding board or a box of Kleenex as needed. There are people right here on this forum who are in your court. We know you for the good and brave woman that you are, and if we can’t be there in person we’ll darn well be there in spirit and on e-mail for you.
Hang in there, TDM. You can do this. One tiny step at a time.
Happy birthday! I hope it’s being a very good day for you and your family. 🙂
March 22, 2013 at 12:49 am in reply to: Really? … and I thought 2012 was bad. My apologies, I need to rant! #894973I am so sorry to hear that things went pear-shaped again for you, drag0n. 🙁 And about Miz Imma Sue: hmm, seems awfully off to me, her screaming “sue” loudly enough that the police send her to sit down and cool off, yet she doesn’t go to the hospital? Obviously no injuries to her lungs, then. 😐
Possibly the police report might be useful to you here: if the officer on site made a note that the other woman was belligerent, it makes her look awfully suspect if she pursues a lawsuit. I don’t know enough about legal stuff to advise, unfortunately, but I think you might be allowed a copy of the police report. Certainly a copy of that report should be going to your insurance company, and hopefully they will go to bat for you.I’d recommend talking to your insurance agent: find out what you can do to protect yourself, and how far they are willing to go to protect you.
As for the fact that the woman wore scrubs: she may not have any connections to the medical field. She could be a dental hygienist, or a kennel assistant, or a dog groomer. If she procures “medical records,” definitely have them checked for veracity. They may turn out to have been signed by I.R. Baboon, or Dr. Inever Sawrbefore.
Aaah! Mouse Wizard, you totally kicked my butt! 😕