
A Ki-Rin of my own! ^.^

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone A Ki-Rin of my own! ^.^

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        HA! the first finished PYO that I’m going to keep! (aside from the other grey wolf that isn’t finished yet. :lol:) I randomly finished this little beauty this weekend. ^.^ LMK what you think!

        The “grey” you see is really silver… and the “orange” color is really gold mixed with burnt sienna…

        It just occurred to me that I was going to put interference red on her belly scales.. and maybe a touch of interference green on her green scales… might do that later… any thoughts onw way or the other?


        Oooooo i like that green on the scales there ^_^


        She’s pretty – reminds me of some sort of candy but I can’t place what. The only thing that bugs me are the blue eyes. Unless there’s blue on her IRL, they don’t match. I’d have made her with brown or green eyes. As is, is there any way you can add some interference blue to tie them in?


          Well GB… I only had blue eyes available. Both Ki-Rins I got for Xmas had blue eyes. So… though I too would have rather had brown eyes… or even red… 😛 Oh well. ^.^

          Hum… maybe I’ll add interference blue to the green scales…. that might work. 😀 I think that’s really the only place for it…

          At least she’s mine. ::hee hee:: I can live with the non-matching blue eyes. 😀


          Well, if that’s the case… 😛 I was thinking if you’d ordered her with your paint scheme already in mind, before we found out all colors were available. Really, though – a little blue would be perfect.


            I REALLY like this one!!!! The scales are BEAUTIFUL!

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              When I saw the little pics, I didnt think I was gonna like it, but when I pulled them up, it looked wonderful! What a great shade!


                Ditto on the blue eyes, but you did a great paint job! I like the blending of the mane.


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  When I saw the little pics, I didnt think I was gonna like it, but when I pulled them up, it looked wonderful! What a great shade!

                  😆 😆 😆


                  A PYO of mine you DIDN’T like Ski? 😯

                  Just Kidding! 😉

                  I’m glad you do like her though! 😀 We’ll see what the interference colors look like on her tonight. 😀


                    I will keep an eye out!


                    It almost strikes me as a woodland kiRin belonging to elves and fairies. Very interesting color combos.


                      She is lovely 🙂


                      Yes, the color combo reminds me of something…but I can’t place it. I am not sure of the red belly.

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